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You Beauty! Coalition commits to rebuild Beulah’s supermarket - Media Release

The Beulah community turned out in force to celebrate an announcement of funding for the rebuilding of the Beulah Supermarket that was destroyed by fire in 2019.  The Member for Mallee Dr Anne Webster stated a Dutton-Littleproud Coalition Government would provide $1.392 million for the rebuild .

“I still remember how sad it was to hear the news and speak with grieving community members when the supermarket burned down,” Dr Webster said.

“Committed community members, including Beulah Supermarket Action Group President Shaun Thompson and Graham & Jennifer Turnbull, who have helped raise about $130,000 to rebuild the supermarket, have advocated for funding support with government and established an alternative temporary site in the meantime.”

“This is a cost-of-living measure for the beautiful Beulah community. A larger, permanent and community-owned supermarket will give them the scale to attract specials in everyday food, drink and other essential items. Beulah residents currently pay a premium for essential goods over what those in larger towns, regional centres and of course the capital cities have to pay.”

Dr Webster joined Yarriambiack Shire representatives visiting the multi-purpose Beulah Business and Information Centre on Thursday, with the former hospital also serving as a short-term but space-restricted community supermarket.

“Mallee has upwards of 80 small communities across its 83,412 square kilometres and on Thursday Beulah really shone.  It was wonderful to meet with the tight knit group of locals who are 100 per cent united in advocating for their town.  Beulah will be a very worthy recipient of this new Supermarket,” Dr Webster said.

“I have to be clear, I can only make this funding a reality if the Coalition wins the upcoming election,” Dr Webster said.

“The Albanese Labor government has reduced spending in Mallee by a factor of 20 to 1 compared to my first term in office under a Coalition government. My hope is that projects like Davis Park Stage 2 will be the beginning of Mallee getting back its fair share of federal spending.”

Dr Webster recently criticised the Albanese Government’s failure to provide a single housing grant to Mallee under the Regional Housing Support program, referring that program to the Auditor-General.

Mallee Councils have consistently told Dr Webster that Federal and Victorian Labor’s co-funding demands make it incredibly difficult to successfully apply for funding.

“The Coalition is contributing over 90 per cent of the estimated $1.52 million cost towards this project, which will be welcome relief to shires like Yarriambiack Shire Council after Labor starved shires with prohibitive project criteria and co-funding expectations,” Dr Webster said.


The 2019 fire took away the Beulah Store and its 122 years of history. The Beulah store was the hub of the Southern Mallee town, housing a supermarket, newsagency, dry cleaning, depot and a gift shop.

The Beulah Business Information Centre (BIC) was set up by a Co-operative committee to run a general store out of the original cafe building in town. Due to change of their business structure, they had to move again into the former hospital. 

Beulah's BIC received a donation from 'The Dry' film production company for the use of its grounds and building. This money has been used to maintain the temporary store.

Anne Webster MP