Grey Arrow

Energy Projects

Renewable Energy

Mallee’s farms, environment, amenity and safety are threatened by the VNI-West transmission project and proposed wind turbine installations.

Despite earlier indications of Labor’s six proposed Renewable Energy Zones across Victoria, they now want to make Mallee a dumping ground for transmission and wind towers, power lines and blanket solar panels.

Mapping has consistently shown that coastal areas and those with high elevations have the best prospects for wind energy, however low-elevation Murray River tributaries and floodplains are now priority ‘Tier 1’ according to the Allan Labor Government. State Labor admitted recently that 70 per cent of Victoria’s prime agricultural land would be needed for energy generation and transmission projects if offshore wind cannot proceed. Our food security and GDP are at stake.

Mallee farmers, landowners and communities are being thrown under the bus, out of sight from the Melbourne media, so Labor can save their inner-city seats from the Greens.

I will continue to stand up for Mallee and speak on this in Parliament.

Visit my media page to see the latest on Energy Projects inMallee.

Anne Webster MP
House of Representatives Chamber - Wind, Solar and Transmission Lines on Prime Agricultural Land