“This is typical of Labor’s dismissive, scorched-earth approach to regional Australia. Zero engagement, zero interest, just send a public servant to respond," Dr Webster said.
Australians have watched on with envy as similar nations such as Canada, the USA, Europe and New Zealand cut rates by 1 to 2 per cent, and all we have until the RBA’s next meeting in April is ¼ of a per cent.
"The Coalition demonstrated late last year that our energy transition will cost 44 per cent less than Labor’s plans which include 900 kilometres of the NSW-SA interconnector transmission lines which will now cost $1.5 billion more
"The Allan Government sadly has form here ... You can not help but get the impression they do not give a flying razoo about regional Victoria.”
The Coalition’s responsible energy policy will use existing transmission networks, ramping up our use of gas in the energy transition, and including nuclear power at existing grid-connected coal-fired power plant sites as they retire.
The Coalition will oppose this legislation. This Bill is flawed in a number of ways. It increases access (re: demand) without addressing supply issues...
“Labor’s fresh food tax would have hurt families at the checkout, as well as 84 agricultural commodities that were facing $50 million in annual taxes under Labor ..."
Australians are feeling the pain of this reckless energy transition in their energy bills, and will continue to do so as the Coalition revealed late last year that Labor’s renewables-only plan will cost almost ...
Labor intends to punish regional Australians for supporting a sensible approach to energy policy, all so Labor can keep living their out-of-sight, out-of-mind wind turbine fantasies in the inner cities.