Grey Arrow

Water Buybacks

Anne Webster MP Water Buy Back

Water is the foundation of our horticulture industry, yet the current Labor government's mismanagement of water resources has worsened water scarcity, creating significant hardships for our farmers. The Wentworth Group of Scientists recently called for an additional 726 gigalitres to be recovered from the Murray-Darling Basin, on top of the original target and the extra 450 gigalitres Labor is pursuing. Labor's collaboration with the Greens has led to destructive buybacks that harm our economy and community.

Despite local councils' rejection of open market buybacks, Labor proceeded with a tender for 70 gigalitres, showing disregard for regional communities. The impact of these buybacks includes job losses, increased water costs, and reduced agricultural production. Under David Littleproud MP's leadership, The Nationals advocate for sustainable water use and infrastructure development, ensuring reliable water supply and investing in our agricultural sector's future.

Anne Webster MP