Grey Arrow

Roads in Mallee

Anne Webster MP Regional Roads

Labor's neglect of regional roads by both state and federal governments is unacceptable. Last year, there were 1,158 property damage claims made to the Department of Transport. Currently, 480 roads Victorian roads have reduced speed limits due to safety concerns. Let’s hold the government accountable and demand the infrastructure we need and deserve.

I'm deeply frustrated that six out of the ten Victorian shires receiving reduced Roads to Recovery funding increases are in the Mallee electorate. Our Buloke, Gannawarra, Mildura, Pyrenees, Swan Hill, and Yarriambiack Shires will see only a 46.7% increase compared to a 76.9% increase for metropolitan councils and other shires.

Amidst slashed funding, the RACV's survey on regionalVictorian roads highlights that 64% of motorists now cite potholes and poor road conditions as their top safety concern.

Our safety and productivity as a key agricultural producer for the country, and the world, is at stake, and our community deserves better. Read the latest on how I am fighting for better roads in Mallee on my media page.

Sign the petition for the Mildura Heavy Vehicle Bypass.

Anne Webster MP