Migration, pathway to nation building - Tabling of Report - Joint Standing Committee on Migration

I was, as I said, proud to take the committee to Robinvale to hear from local farmers about the desperate state they repeatedly find themselves in regarding workforce shortages. Migrants play a key role in getting food from paddock to plate.

Wage Justice for Early Childhood Education and Care Workers (Special Account) Bill 2024 - Second Reading

I was drawn to speak on this bill because child care is a serious issue in my electorate of Mallee. I note the title of this bill: Wage Justice for Early Childhood Education and Care Workers (Special Account) Bill 2024.

Aged Care Bill 2024 - Second Reading

The opposition's position on this bill was provided in the House on Tuesday 8 October 2024. I would like to respond to the bill as the shadow assistant minister for regional health from the regional perspective...

Constituency Statements - Youth Voice in Parliament Week, Israel Attacks

I have a statement, as part of the Raise Our Voice in Parliament campaign, from Miley, a student in Mallee. She says: envision a future where every child has the freedom to express themselves authentically and confidently...

Statements by Members - Agriculture Industry

Thousands of farmers made the long trip to Canberra yesterday to peacefully protest the Albanese Labor government's destructive anti-agriculture agenda. It is the first time in 40 years that farmers have united together to come to this place...

Treasury Laws Amendment (Reserve Bank Reforms) Bill 2023

I spoke last month about Labor's Future Made in Australia Bill and likened it to Labor's use of the term 'made in Australia' to Mickey Mouse as the sorcerer's apprentice in Disney's 1940 classic Fantasia. In the story...

Constituency Statements - Organ and Tissue Donation

I am delighted to get up this morning and discuss the Parliamentary Friends of Organ Donation. I have just finished a particular event with my very good friend Dr Mike Freelander to have people who have received organ donations standing...

Universities Accord (Student Support and Other Measures) Bill 2024

Today, I will focus mainly on two aspects of the Universities Accord (Student Support and Other Measures) Bill 2024: the Albanese Labor government policy proposals for paid practical placement and for channelling more money into student...

Matters of Public Importance - Renewable Energy

I don't see Labor putting wind turbines up on the Dandenong Ranges overlooking Melbourne or out in Port Phillip Bay, and they aren't blanketing Melbourne's golf courses with black panels or erecting hulking 230-metre towers and transmission...

Constituency Statements - Taxation (Multinational—Global and Domestic Minimum Tax) Bill 2024

This package of multinational tax avoidance measures, the Taxation (Multinational—Global and Domestic Minimum Tax) Bill 2024 and related bills, is built on the world-class, world-first legislation that the coalition developed when we were...

Fair Work (Registered Organisations) Amendment (Administration) Bill 2024

In our history on this side of the House of strong leadership on this vital issue, the coalition re-established the ABCC in 2016 after a double dissolution election. Labor shut the ABCC down in February 2023, leaving our construction industry...

Statements by Members - Cost of Living

Labor's homegrown inflation crisis, driven by government spending, is leading Australians to neglect their health. Dining out has gone and people are choosing between heating their homes and eating a meal. Now, in desperation, they are...

Adjournment - Early Childhood Education

The Albanese Labor government repeatedly pat themselves on the back for their wage rise and subsidies for child care, but families in regional Australia are left out in the cold by a lack of availability and access. A subsidy is well and...

Matters of Public Importance - Economy

I have spoken many times about the cost-of-living crisis and the impact on my constituents in Mallee. Australia is the only economy that has seen inflation increase, not decrease, since December. Labor's homegrown inflation continues to hurt...

Future Made in Australia, Future Made in Australia (Omnibus Amendments No. 1) Bill 2024

Like the Sorcerer's Apprentice of 1940, the Mickey Mouse Labor Party has picked up the fabled and treasured 'made in Australia' logo and waved it like a magic wand at their dog's breakfast of policies, thinking the spin of made in Australia...

Constituency Statements - Private Members' Business - Taxation

I begin by pointing out that the No. 1 priority of this calamitous government is not the cost of living. No. Labor have had two other priorities since May 2022: the doomed $450 million Voice to Parliament referendum and looking after the...

Statements by Members - Cost of Living

The Albanese government used to wax lyrical on their failed war on feral cats, but the cost-of-living crisis is the feral dog that is biting and terrorising families and businesses across Australia. And what does this government offer to...

Communications Legislation Amendment (Regional Broadcasting Continuity) Bill 2024

I rise to speak on the Communications Legislation Amendment (Regional Broadcasting Continuity) Bill 2024. Mildura and the wider Sunraysia region are ground zero for the vanishing future of regional free-to-air television broadcasting, which...

Statements by Members - Mallee Electorate

On a rainy afternoon in Boort in the east of my electorate of Mallee, my heart was warmed by the many people who came out to see me in the mobile office at Godfrey & Bear cafe. It was great to meet with a stream of community members needing...

Constituency Statements - Mallee Electorate: Child Care

I rise to pay tribute to two Mallee community members: Jo Martin, from Wimmera Southern Mallee Development, who leads Thrive by Five; and Wendy Gladman, from Loddon Shire, who runs The Parenthood. I met both in Boort recently. These women...

Constituency Statement - Fair Work (Registered Organisations) Amendment (Withdrawal from Amalgamation) Bill 2024

This month the weak leadership of Prime Minister Albanese has been exposed by the belligerence of John Setka, the Victoria-Tasmania secretary of the CFMEU. After we on this side of the House moved our bill, the Fair Work...

Nature Positive (Environment Protection Australia) Bill 2024

This Nature Positive (Environment Protections Australia) Bill 2024 and the related bills yet again represent Labor's spin. As the Australian columnist Robert Gottliebsen pointed out earlier this year, 'nature positive' is lifted straight...

Matters of Public Importance - Energy

The lack of rain in my electorate of Mallee hasn't just wrecked the start of the cropping season for farmers; the lack of wind has been miserable for so-called windfarms as well. Our first wind drought since 2017 highlights what the Germans...

National Health Amendment (Supporting Patient Access to Cheaper Medicines and Other Measures) Bill 2024

I rise as shadow assistant minister for regional health to address this important legislation, the National Health Amendment (Supporting Patient Access to Cheaper Medicines and Other Measures) Bill 2024, which is a product of a strongly...

Constituency Statements - Health Care: Maternity Services

In seconding this excellent motion by my colleague from Wide Bay, I do so as the shadow assistant minister for regional health and speak on behalf of the women of rural, regional and remote Australia who are victims of Labor's scorched...

Matters of Public Importance - Albanese Government

With the Olympics almost upon us, I think 'team Albanese' are a real medal chance in gymnastics—perhaps the floor routine, the high bars or even the ropes. The minister for immigration would star with his direction 99 double backflip, first...

Constituency Statement - BILLS - Appropriation Bill (No. 1) 2024-2025

Listening to the member for Bennelong's speech just then, I feel nothing but how fabulous it must be to be a constituent in the member for Bennelong's electorate with the amount of health care there, the dollars that are spent there...

Matters of Public Importance - Regional Australia

As I travel around my electorate and I meet constituents face to face, it is becoming more and more apparent that they feel they are being treated as second-class citizens. It is a shame on this government that they feel like they just...

Matters of Public Importance - Housing

Labor promised before May 2022 they would fix the housing crisis. What are they doing now they are in office? They are piling in more people. Immigration is up to 1.7 million, up 200,000 from the last budget, because...

Statements By Members - Budget

If there is one line that sums up Labor's budget it is this: Labor robs regions to buy votes in the cities. Here is one example: the Treasury committed $70 million over four years 'to remove the barriers to accessing Medicare rebates for...

Constituency Statements - Shelly, Ms Brooke

Today I rise to highlight a shining example of professional excellence and commitment to regional health in my electorate of Mallee. Brooke Shelly, from Mildura, has been awarded the 2024 Pharmaceutical Society of Aus...

Therapeutic Goods and Other Legislation Amendment (Vaping Reforms) Bill 2024

I listened to the member for Macarthur. In fact, we were talking about this very issue yesterday. I think the painful fact is that, on both sides of the House, we want the same result. We want to see our children safe from vaping and safe from t

Adjournment Debate – Jeparit Riverfront and Nhill Karen community

Today I am speaking with a sense of pride to acknowledge and celebrate the milestones and progress that have been made within the Mallee community, highlighting the dedication and collaborative effort that have led to these achievements. I’d li

Cost of Living

A few months ago, I wrote to my constituents across Mallee to ask them how they were going in this cost-of-living crisis. Their stories were harrowing, with many going without meals—if you can call toast a meal. The Albanese Labor government hav

Help to Buy Bill

As we debate the Help to Buy Bill today, I want to reflect first on how we have come to be in a position where the Commonwealth has to help people buy a home. In 1984, it cost $64,000 to buy the average home, and an annual income back then was a

Matters of Public Importance

I rise to speak on the Albanese Labor government’s misguided priorities for Australia. Mallee voters don’t buy Labor’s song-and-dance routine that they are the party of tax cuts. Stages one, two and three income tax cuts were under the coalition
