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Women's Health, Western Victoria Bushfires - Transcript







Sunday 16 March 2025




Returning to one of our top stories and the federal government has announced several new health benefits for women. Joining us live now is the Shadow Assistant Minister for Regional Health Anne Webster, Anne thank you so much, well this plan includes a new endometriosis treatment as well as an additional contraceptive pill, which is going to be added to the PBS.

Do you welcome these announcements?


Absolutely, Jaynie. These are important announcements for women. I would hazard a guess that most women have struggled with either, infertility or with endometriosis, or the need to find contraception that actually work and don't make you sick as a dog. So these are very, very important announcements.

On the eve of an election, it's interesting timing, particularly given the delay in the endometriosis medication. But of course, we welcome those.


Health Minister Mark Butler has said that women's health has been neglected for decades. What would you say to those comments?


Well, I would say that that's completely untrue. The coalition has, an incredible record over the last ten years of, delivering or amending, new PBS medications, 2800 of them, so to say, you know, we've been sitting on our hands effectively is untrue.

In terms of Medicare, I would push back strongly on the coalition's, historical effort to get to 88%, Medicare bulk billing, where it's sitting now under, Labor, under Mark Butler on his watch, 77%. So they can twist the facts whatever way they like. But the fact is the coalition has a very strong record and we are absolutely committed to a quality, top quality world health, service across Australia, no matter where you live, including in the regions, obviously, as the Assistant Shadow for Regional Health, that is my priority to ensure that women out in the regions and their families can access health care. So this is very important.

The other point I'd make, Jaynie, is that it's the coalition who actually put pelvic pain and endometriosis clinics, into reality - made them a reality for women around Australia. You know, more women need to be able to access those. What has the Labor government done?


He also spoke about IVF treatment and also looking at perimenopause, a menopause. Do you think we need to be, looking at these, particular issues more?  And what else do you think needs to be done with Women's Health?


Yeah. Look, I do think IVF is extremely expensive. Not only have I had to go through that journey myself, so many other women that I know now do, and they have to literally take out a bank loan. So definitely more needs to be done in that space.

And in terms of perimenopause, menopause. Well, I'm a lucky person, and I've experienced both of those as well. And I know that any investment in those spaces is really, really important. These are things that guys know nothing about other than their wives telling them. And I think it is absolutely appropriate for the government to be stepping in and ensuring that more is done.


Anne, before we let you go, we're seeing some very hot conditions in New South Wales. Yesterday we had extreme fire danger ratings in South Australia. We've seen, a bushfire around in Melbourne. And I know you've certainly been an advocate for what's happened in Victoria of late regarding the the bushfires, not this particular one, but in recent times we've spoken about can you bring us up to speed on, on what you've been discussing with people in the area?


Yeah, absolutely. Thanks, Jaynie. So the people of Halls Gap continue to struggle with, their small business. Very difficult situations. They have not had tourists, since before, well, around Christmas time and all the way through, and they have struggled. They've got cancellations going up to May, this last week, of course, finally, the Albanese and Allan Governments came together and delivered a $5,000, grant to small businesses.


Honestly, these businesses would chew that in a day, let alone the three month period that they've taken, to come up with this, support, this level of support. I find it appalling. It is insulting. It is absolutely insulting to the small businesses that I speak to in, Northern Grampians. And they are looking for the Allan Government and the Albanese Government to do more to support them.

There are all kinds of loans and grants that could be offered, that are being offered in fact, in the cyclone areas in Ipswich and beyond. And really the small ability, the small funding that the government has supplied to Halls Gap is appalling.


Anne Webster thank you very much for joining us today.


You very welcome. Thank you.


Anne Webster MP