Applications for farmers to participate in the Australian Government’s $22.3 million Enhancing Remnant Vegetation Pilot are closing soon on 27 October 2021.Minister for Agriculture and Northern Australia David Littleproud said the pilot was an opportunity to reward farmers for their stewardship of the land.“This pilot will pay farmers for projects that protect, manage and enhance remnant native vegetation on-farm,” Minister Littleproud said.Member for Mallee, Dr Anne Webster welcomed the Pilot which she said would bring market-based solutions that reward farmers for their environmental stewardship of the land.“We’re championing and incentivising environmental stewardship. Our farmers do a great job caring for the land that they work on.“We’re investing into preserving remnant native vegetation on farms and it’s an opportunity for farmers to make a buck out of it,” Dr Webster said.“Applications close on October 27, so I encourage all those who want to take part in this fantastic pilot to get involved.“We’re looking for projects that can provide the most biodiversity benefit for the dollar, whether they’re fencing, replanting, pest control or creating wildlife corridors.“This is an opportunity for farmers in Mallee to be paid implementing drought-proofing measures for their business. It’s a win-win.”To find out more or how to apply visit here. Fast Facts: