Grey Arrow

Statements by Members - Cost of Living

Dr WEBSTER (Mallee) (13:54): The Albanese government used to wax lyrical on their failed war on feral cats, but the cost-of-living crisis is the feral dog that is biting and terrorising families and businesses across Australia. And what does this government offer to fix it? A bowl of Labor spin and a dog's breakfast of half-baked policies.

While mortgage holders, renters and pensioners wrestle with whether they eat or heat, the Prime Minister and Treasurer gaslight Australians with spin on how great they've actually got it under Labor. 'Inflation is coming down,' they say. 'Real wages are growing,' they say. 'Energy prices are coming down,' they say. 'Tax rebates will miraculously fix family budgets,' they say. The fact is the Albanese government has botched vaping laws, industrial relations, the energy rollout, water buybacks, the national vehicles emissions scheme, live exports, age verification, and let's not forget detainee releases under direction 99. The most disturbing aspect of this government apparently committed to transparency is the imposition of non-disclosure agreements on any stakeholder lucky enough to actually be consulted.

Anne Webster MP