Grey Arrow

Statements by Members - Agriculture Industry

Dr WEBSTER (Mallee) (13:58): Thousands of farmers made the long trip to Canberra yesterday to peacefully protest the Albanese Labor government's destructive anti-agriculture agenda. It is the first time in 40 years that farmers have united together to come to this place. As the member for Mallee and a proud member of the Nationals, I was proud to stand with my Nationals and Liberal colleagues out there with our farmers. But where was Labor? Where were the teals? I didn't see one of them—not one. The minister for agriculture wasn't there. The Prime Minister wasn't there. The farmers wanted to see the Labor government standing up for their interests. All of our electorates want to see that Labor are not anti-agriculture, but all we're seeing is policy after policy after policy that is anti-agriculture. On this side of the House, we will continue to stand with our agricultural farmers, from one side of this nation to the other.

The SPEAKER: Order. In accordance with standing order 43, the time for members' statements has concluded.

Anne Webster MP