Grey Arrow

Stage 3 Tax Cuts

As the Federal parliamentary sitting year resumes in Canberra, Labor is dragging my Coalition colleagues and I into debating again the tax cuts that we passed five years ago in Government – with
Labor’s support!

Fresh from a divisive, half-a-billion-dollar doomed referendum in 2023, this distracted Labor Government had a mid-January crisis brainstorm about tax cuts in Canberra at half-a-million-dollars’ further taxpayer cost because there is a by-election in South-East Melbourne.

The Prime Minister and Treasurer promised 100 times to deliver the Stage 3 tax cuts in full – and lied about not changing their position.

Late last year I wrote to Mallee voters about how they are coping with the cost-of-living crisis and some of their stories are harrowing.

Those on lower incomes need immediate help, but Labor’s tax thought bubble in most cases would equate to about $15 a week, starting in 150 days’ time. Longer term, Labor’s tax proposal would do nothing to address bracket creep.

Aspirational Australians, small business owners, farmers and others will end up in higher tax brackets under Labor.

Farmers, for example, have significant costs. High revenue doesn’t equate to living the high life!

The Coalition always supports lower taxes.

The Coalition-legislated stage 3 tax cuts were important to reward the hard-working Australians who carried the nation through significant government restrictions and business distress during the

Let’s not forget the other key takeaway here – you cannot trust the Albanese Labor Government.

The tax cuts debate shows that Labor will promise one thing before or even after an election, but when politically expedient they will do something completely different.

A Coalition return to Government cannot come soon enough for Mallee voters so we can unwind the damage of this untrustworthy, distracted and hopefully one-term Labor Government.

Anne Webster MP