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New portfolio for Dr Anne Webster – Member for Mallee

Member for Mallee Anne Webster has been given the regional health portfolio and is now Shadow Assistant Minister for Regional Health.

“I am so excited to able to focus on developing health policy for those who live in regional Australia. Healthcare is something I am incredibly passionate about because it affects every single Australian,” Dr Webster said.

“As we experience across Mallee there are significant barriers to accessing timely and affordable healthcare. In my maiden speech to Parliament in 2019 I said a person’s health status should not be determined by their postcode.

“Unfortunately, this is not the case, though I fervently believe it should be.

“I look forward to working with Shadow Minister for Health Anne Ruston to achieve better outcomes for all Australians, wherever they live.”

Dr Webster thanked Leader of The Nationals David Littleproud for the opportunity to carry out this important role.

“Anne is a passionate advocate for better access to GPs and health professionals in regional Australia and will work tirelessly in regional health policy development and holding the Government to account,” Mr Littleproud said.

“Anne will especially focus on the regional shortage of GPs and health professionals, which is being made far worse through Labor’s callous changes to rural health workforce incentive criteria.”

Anne Webster MP