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Labor must support effective mouse control

Labor Agricultural Minister Murray Watt must support effective mouse controls for Mallee farmers ahead of cropping season, Member for Mallee Dr Anne Webster says.

Grains Producers Australia (GPA) is seeking approval for continued use of 50 gram per kilogram zinc phosphate baits through the Australian Pesticide and Veterinary Medicines Authority (APVMA) after farmers were concerned currently approved 25 grams per kilogram baits would be ineffective.

“Our crops are the lifeblood for Mallee farmers, Minister Watt needs to ensure they are given the best tools to ensure as productive a season as possible,” Dr Webster said.

“We can’t have them using ineffective baits that let mice run riot. Farmers have told me zinc-25 baits are costing $6 per hectare to put on but once mice pick up one bait they feel sick and won’t pick up another – it is a waste of money and costs farmers when their crops are ruined.”

GPA had a temporary permit for zinc-50 bait which ran out in November and APVMA is yet to grant another.

“I understand training and other supervisory arrangements have been put in place for the continued use of zinc-50, APVMA simply need to act and grant permission to use it,” Dr Webster said.

“I have written to Minister Watt outlining the concerns of Mallee farmers and questioning why his Government does not support effective mouse controls.

“Mallee farmers need all the help they can get to ensure a prosperous season free of mice infestation.”

The latest Senate Estimates revealed escalating delays in registrations of agricultural crop protection chemicals by the APVMA. Now more than one in nine applications for new product registrations have not been completed within the legislated assessment period according to CropLife.

Anne Webster MP