Grey Arrow

Merry Christmas 2021

Merry Christmas.

Christmas for me is all about connecting with loved ones and celebrating life.

You, like me, may not be able to recite the poem ‘Twas the night before Christmas’, but the anticipation expressed by Clement Clarke Moore is very real, especially if we have little ones who just cannot wait for tomorrow to dawn.

Thank goodness we end the year with something as celebratory as Christmas!

For some, the year has been intolerably tough, and still may be. For others, despite restrictions and closed borders, there have been new beginnings.

Regardless of what has transpired in 2021, if we are connected to loved ones, we are privileged indeed. Our journey is bearable, even beautiful in pain.

My Christmas wish is that we would take a moment to wonder about how precious life is and take the time to let the important people in your life know – ‘I’m grateful you are in my life’.

For those with Christian faith, Christmas is a time to reflect on that incredible gift of baby Jesus and what he brought to this world. It’s a time that causes us to remember the hope that is available to us – and hope is something we could all do with a little more.

I know that for some people, Christmas is not an easy time. My thoughts are with those who are doing it tough and those who may be missing loved ones this holiday season.

To those who are working through the Christmas season on the frontline in our essential services – thankyou. To the men and women serving in our emergency services, in our health services and those who help keep Australia running, we are grateful for you.

If you’re travelling on our roads throughout the holidays, please remember to travel safe, stay alert and look out for one another.

Merry Christmas everybody and may 2022 be an exciting and joyful year for us all.

Anne Webster MP