Grey Arrow

Matters of Public Importance - Albanese Government

Dr WEBSTER (Mallee) (13:57): With the Olympics almost upon us, I think 'team Albanese' are a real medal chance in gymnastics—perhaps the floor routine, the high bars or even the ropes. The minister for immigration would star with his direction 99 double backflip, first with his amendment of direction 99 to detain more criminals and sex offenders, and second with the vanishing drones story. The minister for infrastructure backflipped on the New Vehicle Efficiency Standard, softening her landing to reduce the impact on car buyers and Australian dealers alike. The minister for Climate Change and Energy has backflipped on the future role of gas. Yesterday we saw an amazing assisted backflip, with the Minister for Veterans' Affairs saying that Labor will recruit ADF personnel from any country and then the Minister for Defence saying: 'No, no, no. It's New Zealand first, and then Five Eyes.' The minister for agriculture backflipped on the need for an inquiry into the live sheep export phase-out. The Minister for Communications backflipped on age verification for social media. Australia needs a winning team with a real skill and commitment not for backflips but for strong leadership. A change of government cannot come soon enough.

Anne Webster MP