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Mallee Shares in $9 Million NDIS Transition Assistance Funding Initiative

The Australian Government has awarded approximately $9 million to businesses across the country to help them transition to the NDIS.

The grants have been provided through the second round of the Transition Assistance Funding initiative under the Boosting the Local Care Workforce program.

Anne Webster MP said businesses in Mildura, Boort, and Horsham received a share of Transition Assistance Funding, with three grants, worth up to $20,000 each awarded.

‘This funding helps Mallee organisations in their early stages of transition, and will go a long way to helping ensure local businesses have the tools and capabilities needed to deliver supports to NDIS participants,’ Dr Webster said.

‘Transition Assistance Funding can be used for tailored business advice, software upgrades and other one-on-one supports that will help local businesses to get NDIS-ready’.

The objective of the Transition Assistance Funding is to help providers transition to the NDIS while also creating more jobs in the disability sector, particularly in regional, rural and remote areas across Australia.

Minister for the National Disability Insurance Scheme, Stuart Robert, said the Australian Government is committed to building a sustainable NDIS provider market that is ready to support the needs of participants now and long into the future.

‘It is vital we support a strong and well-skilled provider market across Australia to deliver the services that NDIS participants need,’ Minister Robert said.

For more information on the Boosting the Local Care Workforce Transition Assistance Funding visit the website at

Anne Webster MP