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King Charles III shows up absent Premiers with his dedication to Australia

Australia’s head of state, His Majesty King Charles III, met with federal parliamentarians including Member for Mallee Dr Anne Webster, who spoke briefly with him at a civic reception in Canberra today during a four-day visit to Australia.

“His Majesty demonstrated his commitment to Australia by postponing his cancer treatment to meet the public and politicians in Canberra today,” Dr Webster said.

“The relatively brief tour is understandable, being His Majesty’s first royal visit to another nation since his cancer diagnosis. His Majesty told the gathered audience in Canberra how sad he was that the visit was so short.”

“Their Majesties the King and Queen’s dedication to Australia and civic duty stands in stark contrast to Victorian Premier Jacinta Allan rebuffing the invitation to be in Canberra today for a reception. Most of the Premiers have snubbed our reigning head of state, which I consider to be callous given they are Ministers of the Crown. It is disappointing that when Their Majesties have flown from the other side of the world to make their first regal visit to our wonderful country, Premiers and parliamentarians alike were too busy politicking.

“Premier Allan's no-show is particularly insulting given Victorian Labor embarrassed the Commonwealth, pledging to have the world's first regional Commonwealth Games, then pulling the pin leaving Scotland to save our bacon.”

Dr Webster noted that the majority of Australians embraced Their Majesties and the monarchy.

“We see a healthy, youthful and strong Australian nation very comfortable with our lifelong association with the Royal Family and Constitutional arrangements. His Majesty today paid tribute to Australia’s bravery and resilience in the face of natural disasters as the essence of the Australian character, also remarking on our economic growth and diversity,” Dr Webster said.

“As we all know, health can limit your best intentions and I am sure the turnout would have been even stronger if the King and Queen could have visited more of Australia, including regional Australia – as the King and the late Queen Elizabeth the Second have done in the past.  That’s not a criticism, I acknowledge the great honour Their Majesties gave Australia in this first visit to another nation under very trying personal circumstances.  

“I hope the visit has been good for the King’s health and spirits as he fights a tough personal battle.”

Anne Webster MP