The Carisbrook- Horsham gas pipeline operates with Energy Australia as the only provider with access to the service opportunity. With only one operator at play, sky-rocketing prices have been a cause of alarm for many people.
Shadow Assistant Minister for Regional Development and Member for Mallee, Anne Webster said that the monopoly on the pipeline was having a devastating effect on local businesses and gas users.
“This week I wrote the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) requesting the issue be investigated for the sake of the local communities,” Dr Webster said.
“Without proper competition, the price of gas is entirely in the hands of one retailer and our local businesses are the ones left paying the price.
“I’ve been working closely with brick manufacturers in the region who have reported an increase in costings of over 400%. That pricing is untenable.
“There are external contributing factors to the price of gas, but what is clear is that the current monopoly by Energy Australia is making harder for everyone in the region. This should not be happening.
“I hope to see the Victorian Labor Government step up on this ongoing situation in Western Victoria. While they sit on their hands, our gas prices continue to rise. They have refused to listen to the local community and the relentless petitions of my state colleagues Emma Kealy MP and Louise Staley MP.”