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Member for Mallee requests Federal fire payments for residents affected by Grampians and Wimmera fires

Member for Mallee Anne Webster has requested Federal Emergency Management Minister Murray Watt activate Commonwealth funding for victims of the Wimmera and Grampians bushfires.

“The Federal Government must step in and support fire victims as they begin to recover from this tragedy,” Dr Webster said.

“I have been in constant contact with the Minister’s office and I am thankful for their assistance, but we now need to see funding flow through so people can begin to get their lives back together.

“I am requesting that the Minister look for further funding for our communities as I know there is more funding available. I am asking the State Government to step up as I know there is further cleanup and rebuilding funding also available.”

For more information on disaster recovery arrangements go to

To stay up to date on the latest advice on the fire threat level go to

Today Dr Webster is visiting the Pomonal Community Hub, meeting with Northern Grampians Shire Mayor Rob Haswell and those leading the recovery effort, visiting the Horsham Incident Control Centre and those leading the response there then visiting Dadswells Bridge.

Anne Webster MP