Grey Arrow

Constituency Statements - Shelly, Ms Brooke

Dr WEBSTER (Mallee) (09:41): Today I rise to highlight a shining example of professional excellence and commitment to regional health in my electorate of Mallee. Brooke Shelly, from Mildura, has been awarded the 2024 Pharmaceutical Society of Australia, PSA, Monthly Index of Medical Specialties, famously known as MIMS, Credentialed Pharmacist of the Year award. Brooke was also recognised as a finalist in the 2023 Victorian Rural Health Awards. As it happens, Brooke also works at my husband's general practice in Mildura, and the large team at the Ontario Medical Clinic have been very aware of her capability since she began as the in-house pharmacist as part of the GP pilot program.

Brooke's dedication exemplifies the critical role pharmacists play in our healthcare system, particularly in rural areas where healthcare professionals often wear many hats and are the backbone of our health care. Brooke's work, which focuses on regional communities and multidisciplinary approaches, underscores why pharmacists across Australia, especially in the regions, need better funding and support. While the achievements of individuals such as Brooke Shelly are impressive, last night's budget has offered not one sign of sustainability to her and others like her.

Recently, the Nationals successfully campaigned for an additional $3 billion in funding for Australian pharmacies—a testament to our commitment to strengthening healthcare services across regional, rural and remote Australia. Labor's original policy and myopic pharmacy dispensing change failed to consider the profound consequences it would have on regional communities in the thin markets and workforce shortages. As the shadow assistant minister for regional health, I see the crisis in healthcare access in regional Australia. By doubling the dispensing interval, Labor's policy threatened the viability of local regional pharmacies—sometimes the only point of medical contact for locals.

As I applaud the achievements of Brooke Shelly, the government needs to support pharmacists with policies that help her and everyone like her serve their communities. The Nationals have demonstrated their commitment through action. It is high time the Labor government did the same.

Anne Webster MP