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Victorian Labor fast tracks renewables, forgets social licence

Victorian Labor will fast track renewables projects in spite of community opposition through heavy handed new development rules, Member for Mallee Dr Anne Webster says.

Premier Jacinta Allan announced all new renewable projects in Victoria will be treated as “significant economic development”, railroading Mallee farmers and their communities and giving them no right of appeal.

“Communities have been subjected to months and months of sham consultation by the likes of Transmission Company Victoria (TCV) on VNI West and now the State Government has gone even further by outlawing opposition to renewables projects, “ Dr Webster said.

“It tears up any need for renewables project developers to work with communities to achieve social licence. Barely a week ago TCV showed their disregard for Mallee communities by pulling out of VNI West community meetings I had organised at Tragowel and St Arnaud. The Victorian Government has truly one-upped them this week.”

Dr Webster said the new rules were concerning in the wake of off-shore wind projects in Victoria being scaled back, potentially requiring up to 70 per cent of Victoria’s agricultural land to meet renewables targets.

“Our prime agricultural land must not be compromised,” Dr Webster said.

“Our farmers feed and clothe the nation, but the Allan Labor Government would rather they be saddled with renewable energy infrastructure regardless of its impact on their productivity and livelihood.”

Anne Webster MP