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Drought doesn’t need to be a farmer’s private battle - Coalition-era help is at hand - Media Release

Farmers across the Mallee, Wimmera and Sunraysia are doing it tough right now, but Member for Mallee Dr Anne Webster wants to assure farmers that they can access many drought assistance initiatives.  Drought-affected farmers met with Dr Webster at recent mobile offices near the western border while countless hay-laden trucks moved around the district.

“The frosts caused havoc for some farmers and I met with one farmer who came to say thank you for past Coalition Government initiatives like Farm Household Allowance to help them through their current rough patch,” Dr Webster said.

Farmers can access Farm Household Allowance for up to 4 years in any 10 year anniversary period of the Coalition starting the scheme in 2014, Services Australia advises. The Allowance is equivalent to the maximum Jobseeker rate ($712 to 833 per fortnight) with eligibility criteria applying.

Other supports available include:

·         Access to Rural Financial Counsellors through 1300 735 578

·         Concessional Loans through the Regional investment Corporation (RIC), a former 2018 Coalition Government initiative. At last check the RIC had $175.7 million - half of its loan portfolio - unallocated for the 2024/5 year

·         Tax concessions, deductions and income tax averaging including the Coalition-era initiative of a $20,000 instant asset writeoff and accelerated depreciation for water and fodder infrastructure and fencing, with more drought assistance information available via 1800 806 218

·         Farm Management Deposit Scheme to set aside pre-tax income one financial year to draw on in future years

·         Support from the Australian Taxation Office to average tax liabilities for up to 5 years between good and bad income years,

·         Farm Business Resilience Program which, to date, has helped 913 farm businesses develop business plans, and

·         Social and wellbeing support including the Farmer Assistance Hotline 13 23 16

“I emphasise that there is someone to talk with in difficult times. I urge distressed farmers to speak with their partners, families and/or reach out to the Farmer Assistance Hotline 13 23 16, Lifeline 13 11 14, Beyond Blue 1300 22 46 36 – it helps to talk about your thoughts,” Dr Webster said.

“On all the government initiatives, please get independent financial advice and Rural Financial Counsellors are very experienced and capable of pointing you in the right direction.”

“And, as always, if you can’t navigate those supports or run into challenges, please do not hesitate to contact me through or 03 5021 5987 and my team and I will do everything we can to help.”

Anne Webster MP