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Disgraceful Thorpe should face Senate removal, Greens must be held accountable

An incensed Member for Mallee says Victorian Senator Lidia Thorpe should face motions to remove her from the Senate for her appalling behaviour on Monday toward His Majesty King Charles the Third.  Dr Anne Webster was in Canberra on Monday attending the civic reception for Their Majesties the King and Queen Camilla and was ropable at Senator Thorpe’s conduct.

“I told her in the Great Hall that she is a disgrace to the Parliament. It is important to note that the Victorian Greens put Senator Thorpe in the Senate, and that their leader endorsed her behaviour on Monday,” Dr Webster said.

“Australia’s sovereignty and constitution are under constant threat from the anti-Australian Greens who are sowing constant division in our community and sending the likes of Lidia Thorpe to Canberra purportedly to represent Victorians. The Greens are a protest party who represent narrow, fringe identity politics groups determined to tear down our democracy.”

“I am encouraging Coalition colleagues to explore using both the full force of the law and the Constitution to examine how Senator Thorpe can be removed from Parliament.  We cannot allow her behaviour towards Their Majesties, our Constitution and our heritage to go unchecked.  

“Doing nothing – as Prime Minister Albanese seems eager to do on many tough topics – is not an option.  The PM must move a censure motion in the House and the Government leadership team needs to do the same in the Senate against Senator Thorpe, and explore avenues for her removal from the Parliament.”

“Current and future parliamentarians, those appointed to civic office and our school students need to know that our national leaders will not tolerate such brazen and arguably seditious behaviour.”

“The Greens, who for bizarre reasons seem to appeal to younger generations, need to be held accountable for their anti-Australian policy positions as an educational exercise.  They are not about the environment, they are about ceding our sovereignty to elements other than the Crown and the Australian people.

Senator Thorpe yelled at His Majesty yesterday “give us our land back”, “you are not my king. You are not our king” and “give us a treaty”.

In 2022 Senator Thorpe’s first words spoken in the Parliament as a Greens senator abused the oath of allegiance, inserting words to state: “I sovereign, Lidia Thorpe, do solemnly and sincerely swear that I will be faithful and I bear true allegiance to the colonising Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.”

Anne Webster MP