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Defending Australia Day - Column

Australia Day will soon be upon us and yet again the usual suspects have queued up to beat up on our culture and demand the date be changed. 

I am proud to stand with the Opposition Leader Peter Dutton and Leader of the Nationals David Littleproud who have confirmed that they will continue – in government - to address the Australian public in front of one flag, not three.  As Peter Dutton rightly points out, no other national leader stands in front of multiple flags representing their nation. Neither should we.

Over 450 days ago Australians comprehensive rejected a fruitless referendum that left us more divided, not more united.  As the Coalition asks Australians ‘do you feel better off after three years of an Albanese Labor Government’, I also ask ‘do you feel Australia is more united’ over the same period – I suspect for many in Mallee, both answers would be no.

Desperately chasing inner city votes, Labor cannot help but play to divisive identity politics that pander to vested interest and those that want to re-make Australia into something entirely different.

Certainly, history has its ugly side. Nobody is denying that atrocities occurred.  However, is the best way forward to keep dredging up grievances and apologising for them over, and over, and over again?  Australians have scratched their heads at increasingly long-winded and opinionated welcomes to country, wondering what further performative acts before public events or private meetings might be required of them in future.

Everyday Australians want a way forward.  The Australian flag is the way forward and Australia Day is the way forward.  We must celebrate what unites us, the freedoms and benefits that people (in rapidly growing numbers under Labor) are piling into our country to enjoy. 

Changing the date of Australia will make no less difference to the plight of indigenous people than all the gestures before.  I look forward to celebrating Australia Day with all Australians soon.

Anne Webster MP