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Albanese swans in to claim the credit

The Prime Minister will yet again cut the ribbon on Coalition spending when he visits Horsham on Wednesday morning in a bid to show the Federal Labor Government is investing in Regional Australia, Member for Mallee Anne Webster says.

Anthony Albanese will open Stage 1 of the Wimmera Riverfront Activation Project and the Horsham Nature and Waterplay Park on Wednesday.

The Horsham Riverfront project was funded with $1.65 million from the former Coalition Government along with $850,000 from Horsham Rural City Council and a $500,000 grant from the Victorian Government – with not a cent being committed by Federal Labor.

“It seems like only yesterday I was here in Horsham in 2019, the year I was elected to Parliament, with then Deputy Prime Minister Michael McCormack to announce our Government’s funding towards the Wimmera Riverfront Activation Project,” Dr Webster said.

“I am pleased the Prime Minister is visiting Mallee again after his whirlwind visit to the Mildura Airport tarmac during the floods, cutting the ribbon on the Coalition’s investment in the Horsham community.”

Funding for the Wimmera Riverfront Activation project was supplemented by a further $350,000 under the Coalition Government’s Local Roads and Community Infrastructure Program for the Nature and Water Play Park.

“I am proud of The Nationals’ record delivering for communities right across Mallee, when in Government we invested in these communities because we are a regional party with regional people at heart,” Dr Webster said.

“It is fantastic to see the Prime Minister step outside the city limits, even if it is to claim credit for a project his Government had nothing to do with.”

Dr Webster said it was great to see the two projects now complete for the community to fully enjoy.

“The Wimmera River is such an iconic part of Horsham, with this project going a long way towards making this precinct a hub for the community,” Dr Webster said.

“Generations to come will be able to come down, grab a coffee and enjoy their time in the tranquil surroundings of the river, or make use of the nature and water play park.”

Anne Webster MP