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$845,000 to build childcare facilities in Wimmera region

The Liberal and Nationals Government has committed $845,000 towards building a long care daycare centre in Murtoa for the first time.

The centre will provide 30 places for the combined communities of Minyip, Murtoa and Rupanyup to improve early education for children and have a positive economic impact on the region.

With long wait times for daycare centres near the Wimmera region, this facility will fill an identified need and provide more opportunity for skilled members of the community to work in their preferred field or preferred hours.

Deputy Prime Minister Barnaby Joyce said early childhood education provides a good start to life for young children and that they shouldn’t miss out just because they don’t live in a capital city.

“The Nationals can be trusted to represent and stand up for regional Australia,” Deputy Prime Minister Barnaby Joyce said.

“We are committed to building regional Australia and growing essential services such as childcare in regional areas.

“All Australian families deserve access to quality childcare, regardless of where they live. Access to quality childcare is good for families, good for communities and good for local economies.”

Member for Mallee Anne Webster celebrated the announcement for the Dunmunkle after fierce advocacy in her first term in office.

“I am thrilled to announce this funding for the Murtoa community. This will have an immeasurable impact for local families and will make a game-changing difference. This funding means that parents will be able to get into work, where they otherwise have not been able to,” Dr Webster said.

“It means that families will be able to increase their household income, and parents can more easily pursue their career ambitions.

“Getting childcare centres into regional communities can be challenging, however fierce advocacy from the local community and the backing of the Nationals in Government has allowed this feat to become a reality for Dunmunkle.”

Anne Webster MP