Webster welcomes ACCC Inquiry into the major retailers’ treatment of farmers

The Coalition Government has today announced an historic inquiry by the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) into the domestic fresh food and dairy supply chain, from the farmgate right through to the supermarket. Anne Webster

In the News
Change needed at Borders now.

Federal Member for Mallee, Anne Webster, has welcomed National Cabinet moves towards an ‘Agriculture Workers Code’ to synchronise coronavirus-related state border closures, but warns the need for cross-border movement in border regions is

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South Australian Border Closures – Sharri – Sky News 16/08/2020

I joined Di Thornton on Sky to highlight the devastating impact of the border closures on local communities. The SA Government need to find a compassionate and sustainable way forward for our border residents, that doesn’t punish them based on

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Commonwealth Support for Victoria on COVID-19

Health Support Respiratory Clinics: 28 Commonwealth GP led Respiratory Clinics in Victoria. Clinics in Victoria have assessed more than 123,000 people and conducted more than 108,600 tests (as at 3 August) Contact tracing: The Federal National

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Educational Posters for Kids

My office has a range of Education posters for kids available free to anyone in Mallee. Alphabet – with a Mallee theme! Addition and Subtraction Multiplication “How to praise your child” “How to stay safe online” Growth Chart! These are great

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Letter to the Victorian Premier on Stage 3 Restrictions for regional Victoria

I write to respectfully request that you reconsider the blanket stage 3 lockdown of regional Victoria. I ask you to consider long term policy settings that rely on a targeted approach, rather than broad brush strokes that unnecessarily threaten

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Testing of Truck drivers and Border Community members causes confusion

Federal Member for Mallee, Anne Webster calls for common sense to prevail on State requirements for truck drivers and Cross Border Communities to have evidence of a COVID-19 test in the last 7 days before crossing the border. South Australia

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NSW Border Restrictions and Seasonal Workers

Federal Member for Mallee, Anne Webster MP, welcomes the announcement by NSW that Seasonal workers within the border zone will be able to travel across the border for work. “These workers are essential to the horticulture industry on both sides

In the News
Register to be an organ and tissue donor and tell your family this DonateLife Week

Anne Webster, Federal Member for Mallee is encouraging Mallee residents to register to be an organ and tissue donor and tell their family and friends during DonateLife Week 2020. DonateLife Week, Australia’s national awareness week dedicated
