Matters of Public Importance - Renewable Energy

I don't see Labor putting wind turbines up on the Dandenong Ranges overlooking Melbourne or out in Port Phillip Bay, and they aren't blanketing Melbourne's golf courses with black panels or erecting hulking 230-metre towers and transmission...

Constituency Statements - Taxation (Multinational—Global and Domestic Minimum Tax) Bill 2024

This package of multinational tax avoidance measures, the Taxation (Multinational—Global and Domestic Minimum Tax) Bill 2024 and related bills, is built on the world-class, world-first legislation that the coalition developed when we were...

In the News
Labor buying 70GL Murray Darling Water while farmers return 22x that amount to environment

The Albanese Labor Government should not be proceeding with their Murray-Darling Basin water buybacks while the quietly released evidence shows farmers have returned environmental water by many magnitudes more than Labor’s buyback target, the

Fair Work (Registered Organisations) Amendment (Administration) Bill 2024

In our history on this side of the House of strong leadership on this vital issue, the coalition re-established the ABCC in 2016 after a double dissolution election. Labor shut the ABCC down in February 2023, leaving our construction industry...

Statements by Members - Cost of Living

Labor's homegrown inflation crisis, driven by government spending, is leading Australians to neglect their health. Dining out has gone and people are choosing between heating their homes and eating a meal. Now, in desperation, they are...

Adjournment - Early Childhood Education

The Albanese Labor government repeatedly pat themselves on the back for their wage rise and subsidies for child care, but families in regional Australia are left out in the cold by a lack of availability and access. A subsidy is well and...

Labor’s Mickey Mouse approach

August 2024 After a whirlwind of winter visits across the Mallee electorate I have returned to Canberra for a sitting fortnight and in the first week I was talking about Labor’s ‘Future Made in Australia’ Bill, likening Labor’s use of the term

In the News
Delayed 3G shutdown date of 28 October still leaves questions unanswered

The Albanese Labor Government have questions to answer about today’s announcement by Telstra and Optus that they will further delay the closure of their 3G networks, the Member for Mallee and Shadow Assistant Minister for Regional Health Dr Anne

Matters of Public Importance - Economy

I have spoken many times about the cost-of-living crisis and the impact on my constituents in Mallee. Australia is the only economy that has seen inflation increase, not decrease, since December. Labor's homegrown inflation continues to hurt...
