In the News
Webster Welcomes The Increase In Young People Taking On Apprenticeships

New data available from the 2021 Census shows evidence of a significant rise in young people aged 15-24 years taking up an apprenticeship. The Member for Mallee and Shadow Assistant Minister for Regional Development has said this is a pleasing

In the News
Helping Older Australians and Veterans keep more of what they earn

Member for Mallee Dr Anne Webster has supported the Coalition’s call to give choice to retirees and veterans to be able to earn more money without any penalty to their pensions. Dr Webster said increasing the Age and Veteran Service Pension

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Helping Older Australians and Veterans keep more of what they earn

Member for Mallee Dr Anne Webster has supported the Coalition’s call to give choice to retirees and veterans to be able to earn more money without any penalty to their pensions. Dr Webster said increasing the Age and Veteran Service Pension

Proud of our flag

While Adam Bandt, believes he is combatting racism by shunning the Australian flag, I would argue he is in fact promoting it, and he ought to be ashamed of himself. Our flag is a noble symbol that unites all Australians, whether new citizens or

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Sunraysia Daily: Finish the job we started

THE Mallee’s federal MP has attacked the Victorian Government over the Murray Basin Rail Project, and says it’s now up to the new Federal Government to make sure it’s completed. Anne Webster, now on the Coalition front bench as an assistant to

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Webster Declared Member By AEC

The Australian Electoral Commission has officially declared the seat of Mallee to Nationals incumbent Dr Anne Webster. Dr Webster on Tuesday thanked the electorate of Mallee for putting their faith in her to represent them for the next three

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Labor Must Come Clean on Murray Basin Rail Funding

The Federal Labor Government must commit to delivering the Murray Basin Rail Project in Victoria and work with the State Labor Government to complete the original business case. The Nationals in Federal Government delivered a $195 million

Visa Wait Times will Rise

One of my immediate concerns of the incoming Labor Government is their history of disconnect on regional issues and with regional people. The Labor Government’s contempt for regional businesses and people is on full display with their

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The Australian: Complaints to energy watchdog double amid crisis

Complaints about the conduct of energy companies almost doubled to 761 in May as the energy crisis wracked the eastern seaboard amid fears there would be a “rolling tsunami of business ­closures” in regional Australia. The Australian can reveal
