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Column – projects must have social licence

This week I met with the Minerals Council of Australia (MCA) to talk about mining projects in Mallee and the potential impact on prime agricultural land. Projects such as mineral sands mining or construction of transmission lines require

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Labor heavy on the levies, running Mallee farmers dry

The Albanese Labor Government is threatening Mallee’s productivity through the new biosecurity fresh food tax, Member for Mallee Dr Anne Webster says. The Productivity Commission’s new report Towards Levyathan? Industry levies in Australia

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Reckless renewables rush threatening energy grid

The Albanese Labor Government’s reckless rush to renewables is threatening Australia’s energy grid and the livelihoods of farmers and their communities, Member for Mallee Anne Webster says. In its draft 2024 Integrated System Plan (ISP)

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Labor’s union bosses get their way over Mallee farmers and businesses

Mallee farmers, builders and other businesses will bear the cost of Labor’s payback to their Union masters with the Same Job, Same Pay Laws requiring employers to pay more for labour hire passing Parliament late on Thursday, Member for Mallee

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Labor seeks headlines without addressing Australia’s healthcare crisis

The people of Mallee deserve better access to vital healthcare, not another headline from Labor after this week’s National Cabinet meeting, Shadow Assistant Minister for Regional Health Dr Anne Webster says. The PM has failed to say how $1.2

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Medical Commonwealth Supported Places for Mildura denied

The Albanese Labor Government has dashed hopes for doctor training in Mildura, denying a local bid for additional Commonwealth Supported Places (CSP). “I am gutted,” Member for Mallee and Shadow Assistant Minister for Regional Health Anne

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Devastating buybacks all but locked in as Greens roll over on Basin Plan

Regional Murray River communities will shrink after the Greens teamed up with the Albanese Labor Government to revise the Murray Darling Basin Plan in Canberra this week, Member for Mallee Anne Webster says. The two urban-based parties

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Labor’s turbo-charged renewables plan will cripple the regions and drive up the cost-of-living

Labor’s plan to back a five-fold increase in new renewable energy across Australia will have profoundly damaging consequences on regional Australia and accelerate the rising cost of living, Member for Mallee Anne Webster says. Energy Minister

In the News
Regional Australians continue to suffer a healthcare crisis – Butler must act now

The Albanese Labor Government continues to politicise the health of regional Australians rather than take real action, Shadow Assistant Minister for Regional Health Anne Webster says. On Wednesday, Health Minister Mark Butler will announce
